"The most complete and true happiness comes in moments when you feel right there, completely present, with no ideas about good and bad, right and wrong – just a sense of open heart and an open mind." — Pema Chödrön.

The Approach

As a doctor, Dr. Ashe helps people understand themselves and at times prescribes medicine to cultivate well being. Some of the medicine he provides comes from the wisdom of modern psychiatry and some of the medicine comes from ancient wisdom traditions. The well being Dr. Ashe wishes to prescribe involves ultimately helping patients find healing and wisdom inside of themself. His aspiration is to support the individuals he works with in moving from reactivity to responsibility in caring for themself and others. As a psychiatrist, Dr. Ashe offers mind training as a way to establish stability within oneself.

The Vision

Dr. Ashe’s vision as a psychiatrist is to provide holistic psychiatric care for people who are struggling with destructive emotions. His approach involves providing guidance, structure and tools for children, adolescents and adults to learn how to train their minds to work with destructive thoughts. His focus is on transforming destructive emotions into conscious learning opportunities to support patients in living happier and more productive lives. Dr. Ashe believes that anyone can train their mind to see more clearly and live more skillfully.

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